30 Before 30
We all have lifelong bucket lists filled with dreams and random things we want to accomplish in life but what about before 30? when I think about my 30s, I think about settling down, working my job, and having children, scary to think about. I’m currently 21 so I have approximately nine more years to live out my tasteful twenties. Here is a list of 30 things I want to accomplish and do before I turn 30.
1. Graduate College
I’m almost there!!
2. Travel to Italy
I have always wanted to go to Italy! I was supposed to go in the Summer of 2020 but I was unable to go due to Covid.
3. Learn how to Cook
I can cook some things but I am not that good of a cook and could definitely expand my recipe book!
4. Get my Dream Job
I love digital marketing and my favorite part is the creativity and design it has. My dream job would be the campaign manager for a company that I am passionate about.
5. Adopt a Dog
If you know me personally, you definitely saw this one coming! I have ALWAYS wanted a German Shepherd and would love to adopt one.
6. Have Kids
This one is definitely something I would like to accomplish in my late 20s if I am financially stable and ready to have a child but I have always wanted a little mini-me!
7. Cross Country Road Trip
This one is hard because as we grow up, our schedules become more and more hectic but I would love to just take a week or two, rent an RV and travel every state in the US! there is so much beauty in our country that I have never seen!
8. Learn a New Language
I mean I know a little bit of Spanish but I would love to be fluent in Spanish! I would also love to learn Italian!
9. Get a Tattoo
I always had a goal that once I graduate West Virginia University, I would get a tattoo of a mountain range on my ankle. I chose this because it is symbolic of my hometown in the mountains and where I went to school in the mountains. It is meant to represent the 21 years that the mountains have followed me and the opening of a new chapter of life.
10. Move to a New State
I am planning on moving to Tampa with Jeremy in June which is super exciting but until we actually move there this is still on my 30 before 30 list haha!
11. Grow my Social and Blog Platforms
I love and am so thankful for all of my social media followers and wonderful people that are signed up for my newsletter. I love posting my blogs on here just for my own personal enjoyment and to entertain others! I would love to reach even more people! That would be so cool if one day people all over the country are chatting about Curated by Catie!
12. Volunteer
I have always loved giving back and volunteering in my community but I would love to find a non-profit that I am passionate about that I can volunteer at regularly at least once a week!
13. Go to a Drag Brunch
I always wanted to go to a Drag Brunch my entire life! I love watching drag queens because they are so nice, funny, and extremely talented!
14. Pay off my College Debt
This one is pretty self-explanatory.
15. Create My Own Successful Business
This is more of a life-long thing to put on my bucket list because creating and owning my own business takes a lot of hard work and dedication but who knows!
16. Meet Someone Famous
The only famous person I have met was Lauren Alaina when I was like 8 and I would literally meet her again because she was so nice and is one of my biggest role models since I was young. But I would love to fly out to Cali and meet a random celebrity just out and about!
17. Make a Scrapbook
Obviously, make the scrapbook of me completing all of these things on my 30 before 30 and everything in between! I always get caught up in the moment and forget to take pictures and then regret it later on so I definitely need to take more pictures so I can remember all of my favorite memories!
18. Learn how to Design and Create Clothing
I would love to learn how to sew! I would go to the thrift store and turn old clothing into super cute outfits that I can donate or wear myself!
19. Buy my Mom Something Expensive
You name it, my mom has been there with me and supporting me through thick and thin. I would be honored to give back to treat her to something expensive. I would love to pay my childhood home off for her that we have lived in since 2006 but maybe I will be able to do that in my 40s haha!
20. Plant my own Fruits & Veggies
So Yummy! Imagine craving strawberries which I often do and then just going in your back-yard and picking some!
21. Go to a Wine & Paint Night
I have always wanted to go to one of these with my girl-friends!
22. Rekindle an Old Friendship
There is nothing like reuniting with an old friend and catching up while enjoying a cup of coffee at your local hometown coffee shop. Am I right!?
23. Meditate/Yoga Every Day
I would love to have a meditation/yoga routine incorporated in my everyday routine!
24. Go to a Miranda Lambert Concert with my Little Sister
Miranda Lambert is me and Beth’s absolute favorite artist and we have spent over 100 hours screaming every one of her songs while driving around our hometown and if there is one person I would love to see live in concert with my sister it would be her!
25. Invent Something
This one is hard but I have some Ideas!
26. Travel a Place with a Different Time Zone
This one is pretty self-explanatory but traveling to a place with a different time zone would be pretty cool!
27. Create a Social Media Campaign with one of my favorite brands
My two favorite brands that I will forever support and purchase products from are Steve Madden and Kate Spade! I would love to collaborate and create a campaign for either one of those brands or another one of my favorites!
28. Learn How to do Makeup
All of my friends are so good at doing makeup and I have always been a throw some bronzer and blush and call it a day girl but I would love to learn how to do makeup like they do!
29. Make a Rainy Day Fund
I’m a college student so I don’t have much right now, but once I graduate I want to invest in a rainy day fund!
30. Help Someone Else Cross Something off Their Bucket List
What’s better than crossing something off your bucket list? Crossing something off of your best friend’s bucket list with them!
The world is so crazy and your 20s are supposed to be some of the best years of your life so relax, sit down and make your own 30 before 30 list, because you are only 20 something once!